“A contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not spurn.”
Ps. 51:17
'm Steve O'Connor and after a 15-year addiction to pornography, I finally got help.
After a series of failed relationships, I finally met the love of my life, who would later become my wife. I had the courage to share with her my challenges. She patiently encouraged me to get help before we got married, and I started therapy for my porn addiction. I participated in a 12-step program which changed my life.
But for years, I struggled with guilt, shame and self-esteem issues. For years, it was like I had the mind of a child in an adult body. My addiction impacted my work, it made me late for important appointments, it made me reactive and not able to handle conflict or stress...
...but despite doing all the "Catholic things", I just couldn't break my habit.
I can remember telling my therapist years ago that I always thought God would cure me of this and one day I would wake up and never struggle in the area again. My therapist asked me, “Did you ever think that God might want you to do something about it?” It never occurred to me that perhaps I was called to be an active participant in my own healing.
Now I'm on a mission to help Catholic men heal from their addiction so they no longer need to feel the shame and pain that comes with this addiction. I bring a Catholic approach to recovery to help my clients break free and learn new ways of handling the daily challenges life brings about.
“A contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not spurn.”
Ps. 51:17
Why help Catholic men?
I have a passion for helping Catholic men, who struggle with sex addiction and feel the shame of it all. I combine recovery principles with Catholic faith to help you break free from your porn addiction.
Often times, when you are a faithful Catholic, married life can feel like it is meant to be idyllic. It can almost be idolized as the epitome of life. When reality sets in and married life doesn't seem to solve all problems (including addiction), it can be a very challenging reality to navigate.
I want to help create strong, Catholic marriages from the beginning, and journey with men as they continue to grow and their families grow too.
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