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Finally stop waking up thinking you'll be cured - start your journey of healing today:
Hi, I'm Steve,
For years, I struggled with an addiction to pornography. It negatively impacted every area of my life. I knew it was wrong... but despite listening to many great Catholic talks, attending retreats, daily mass, frequent confession, spiritual direction and reading, etc. I would fall into bad habits again and again and again.
I honestly thought I would wake up one day, and be cured.
I know the shame that comes with failing again and again and again. I know the disappointment that occurs in marriage when porn is present. I know the conflict it can create with your spouse, with yourself, and with God.
And I want you to know- healing is possible. You are not alone, and you CAN kick your porn addiction for good. It requires consistent action, Catholic accountability, and lots of grace- but your healing is entirely possible.
Success Stories
"I came across Steve's group after listening to a few of his podcasts. I was immediately hooked, and knew this was the recovery group for me. Since joining, I have found myself surrounded by like-minded men, all of whom I consider brothers in Christ. We live in a society where men are expected to suppress their emotions and feelings – especially when it comes to addiction. Conversing with this group does just the opposite. Steve's insight is so encouraging, as we are encouraged to talk openly. I will forever be changed."
"Steve is an incredibly understanding and empathetic coach and has been willing to hear what I'm facing and give valuable prospective! I've at times haven't been able to put my finger on what I'm experiencing and it had been a struggle for me to work through, but Steve has many times been able to identify what it is and guide me to understand it better for myself. I've enjoyed my past two years with Steve and know that the people that he works with are being influenced for the better and hope that anyone interested in having Steve as their coach takes the opportunity."
"Working with Steve has changed my view on life. I can't change the past nor do I have power to control the future. All I can do is the next right thing today in the present. Steve has helped me to slow down and build a solid foundation for recovery."
"I was a part of Steve's recovery group for two years. I start with this as he really developed a sense of community amongst the guys. Steve is someone who is continually learning and truly likes sharing his knowledge and experience in the lives of the group members. I could tell that this is a real passion for him. Thank you, Steve, for investing in us and helping us believe in ourselves."
"Following the discovery of my long-standing addiction to pornography, I had to take steps to address this problem. After delaying for some months, I signed up for a counselling program and was very fortunate to be put in a group led by Steve. It was clear right from the beginning that Steve fully understood the struggles of the addict. Through his own past experiences and his strong Catholic faith, he created an atmosphere where everyone in the group felt comfortable expressing their struggles. Steve is never judgmental and always has sound advice to offer. He addresses not only becoming sober but also becoming a better overall individual who is connected to others and can show genuine empathy for those that are in pain because of the addict’s actions. While still participating in the group sessions, I started to have 1-on-1 sessions with Steve, which have been very helpful in identifying actions I can take to further my healing and recovery. I have no hesitation in recommending Steve as a coach/counsellor to anyone looking to heal from their addiction."
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